In this episode of listenN, we speak with David Nelson, an integrationist in planetary health, entrepreneurism and science. David is also a student of naturopathic medicine. Highlights include:
The future of naturopathic medicine.
How one of the things that naturopathic medicine got right was systems thinking…how all things are interconnect and related. But, how they need to upgrade their absolute scientific explanation.
David introduces us to the 4 pillars of excellence that he believes will belong to naturopathic medicine as it evolves.
Nature as medicine, the power of the therapeutic encounter, the importance of understanding the mind body connection, lifestyle is the medicine.
How we are learning that thoughts are things and how they create biological realities.
If there’s one thing that is going to come out of the medical literature in 2020 it’s this: the microbiome in your gut is the most important thing for your mental health.
How the millennial’s prevention mindset understands the importance of fixing things before they break. We need to listen to them for ours and the planet’s wellbeing.
How in Japan, 77 states sponsor Shinrin-Yoku Forest Bathing as part of their medical paradigm.
How they are prescribing nature as medicine in Scotland, Southern California and Australia.
We need to find a way for self-care that doesn’t engage capitalism at the level it’s currently engaging capitalism.
How in North America we have a prescriptive mindset versus a preventative mindset. Other places have a preventative mindset as opposed to an ultimately prescriptive mindset.
How we can now measure the genes in our body’s response to meditation – 80% were affected positively by 20-30 minutes of meditation daily for 8 weeks.
The rise of the “integrationist” and the key role science is proving they play.
How the integrationists fundamentally, foundationally in the core of their soul want their notions to be falsified.
Links from episode 020
Connect with David Nelson:
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Thanks to Eddie Z at (((e))) audio for engineering, production and theme music. Logo and graphics by Rachael Muir at Blever Branding Co. Photography by Sebastian Gahan. Thanks to Oscar & Ed Blog Boutique for PR & production services.
This was an incredible episode. So many nuggets of wisdom were shared. Thank you so much. Here is to collaboration and integration for the health of one another AND our planet.