In this episode of listenN, we talk with musician, songwriter and frontman for The Honeyrunners, Dan Dwoskin. Highlights include:
How as a kid, driving in the car with his dad (who always loved to talk about the lyrics drove him crazy) but gave him an appreciation for the poetry of song writing.
How having a love for language and music led to him wanting to be a songwriter.
How he loves performing and putting himself into other people’s songs and wondering where they were when they wrote them.
How writing his first song at 15 was for a girl…Fall For You…of course…
What he uses as his muse and tapping into the ether to make it real.
Not being shy at all about being weird. Because musicians are strange human beings.
Being a serial Joy Chaser. A collector of moments.
How song writing is a very spiritual experience.
The importance of getting out of the way when song writing. Let it be born.
Finding a story (lyrics) that are as good as the music, can often be a waiting game.
How it’s the wild west, there are no rules, there’s no box with song writing.
Being sensitive and in tune enough to let the creativity flow and then getting it down is the job of the artist.
What it feels like when someone breaks your song down and they nail it. You realize there are a lot of people like you on this planet.
How whatever creative spark is hitting you is going to leave you and you need to get it down now.
Celebrate your intuition.
Tips on how to stay open to the source.
Links from episode 026
Spotify: The Honeyrunners
YouTube: The Honeyrunners
FaceBook: The Honeyrunners
Instagram: @honeyrunners
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Thanks to Eddie Z at (((e))) audio for engineering, production and theme music. Logo and graphics by Rachael Muir at Blever Branding Co. Photography by Sebastian Gahan. Thanks to Oscar & Ed Blog Boutique for PR & production services.