In this episode, modern day Astrologer and Angelic Reiki Master, Michelle Piller shares:
How she discovered her gift of helping others through being a Wayshower during unpredictable times.
Her ancient tool kit including: Astrology, oracle cards, crystals and Angelic Reiki to name a few.
How it is far more fascinating to use astrology as a tool for self-growth and enlightenment…than as a predictive tool.
How you know something is true, you know it to hear it because your body floods you with a sensation that says yes, yes, yes, yes oh my goodness YES that feels right. Your body tells you!
That Light is a form of Intelligence. It is the thing that keeps us alive.
How there is an unstoppable movement around the globe now, and it is a force of mass awakening, awakening from a dream. Huge numbers of people are now talking about how this physical life we live is the dream. They are saying ‘connect me with what is real and eternal, please disconnect me from my illusions’.
How people are asking to be Red Pilled so to speak: ‘Awake me up from the illusion that this is, and show me what is actually truth. I want to step out of this matrix and into something more freeing and holistic’.
How you can’t think your way out of everything. It can’t all be done in the head. You have to use “other ways” to make crucial life decisions.
Why we have free will. You have your free will to go and research yourself and find out as much as you can about the times that we are living in—if that fascinates you. For some people, they have no stakes in seeing massive change occur on our planet and they are okay with status que.
How we are becoming aware on mass that consciousness permeates everything. And consciousness evolves itself. Nothing is static. So some of the principles that we have been taught are not actually true.
How we have to start holding room now for paradox.
How everything that is going on in your head, is creating your reality so we need to start attending to what we are thinking.
How we live in multiple dimensions: Change your frequency, change your dimension!
Image boards and how pictures are really an entry point, they give you some kind of hook for your mind to envision.
How we have experienced two massive astrological shifts that are changing the landscape and changing the astrological weather for everybody.
How these planetary motions will anchor themselves to you – you will be moved out of Victimness and into Healing!
How Eckhart Tolle’s book, The Power of Now, swept around the globe as a massive must-read experience because the author was reminding us of ancient information.
How she felt seen when she read Eckhart Tolle’s, The Power of Now.
Links from episode 006
Mystic Maps website.
Michelle on Instagram | Twitter | Facebook
Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
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Thanks to Eddie Z at (((e))) audio for engineering, production and theme music. Logo and graphics by Rachael Muir at Blever Branding Co. Photography by Sebastian Gahan. Thanks to Oscar & Ed Blog Boutique for PR & production services.