In this episode, listenN creator Brian Gahan talks about:
Being born in a small town on the coast of British Columbia, and eventually getting caught up in an education experiment.
Being in a different school each year from kindergarten through to grade 5.
Failing and skipping grade 4, and then fast tracking through grades 4, 5, 6 math.
The perils of the Initial Teaching Alphabet (I.T.A.), including becoming a year behind in reading and writing, and being isolated in a system that is supposed to integrate and include.
Being riddled with spelling problems; spelling ‘anuf’ instead of ‘enough’.
Becoming a fatherless boy at the age of 12; the gift of learning a rebellious, “I’ll show you” attitude; and how that motto helped correct the errors of his early education.
Wanting to prove that he was not damaged by the Initial Teaching Alphabet (I.T.A).
What it’s like to apply yourself and turn your life around.
The dangers of being given a license to coast.
The importance of seeing past the labels the education system places on students.
Challenging yourself, learning when you are maxed out, and not letting others tell you when to give up.
Running into problems and challenges as opposed to running away from them.
Links from episode 02
The Literacy Blog: i.t.a: a great idea but a dismal failure.
What is i.t.a.: The Foundation’s link
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Thanks to Eddie Z at (((e))) audio for engineering, production and theme music. Logo and graphics by Rachael Muir at Blever Branding Co. Photography by Sebastian Gahan. Thanks to Oscar & Ed Blog Boutique for PR & production services.